As published on on June 29, 2020
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has raised alarm over the high number of teachers seeking mental health support in the wake of the coronavirus crisis.
According to the latest report by health service provider Minet Kenya Insurance, which was contracted by TSC, 400 teachers sought mental health services in the month of April alone. The report notes that TSC employed teachers either called or visited various health facilities countrywide seeking psychological support due to depression.
Bungoma County recorded the highest number with 28 teachers complaining of stress in one month alone. In Nairobi, 24 teachers said they were depressed while 23 cases were recorded in Bomet and 20 in Machakos. Marsabit, Uasin Gishu, Mandera and West Pokot recorded one case each.
Most of the patients were male (54%), while 29% were female; 17% were under the unknown category. The report notes that the main nature of the mental health concern was stress and anxiety. It also listed Kenyan teachers as a group struggling to handle depression; a mental health concern that rose sharply in the last three months.