As published by Minet Kenya
We reference this Statement to the passing on of Mr. Maurice Waudi Muholo – a teacher under the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) Medical Scheme, from Covid-19. We wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family of Mr. Muholo; to his school and his students; to the entire teaching fraternity; and to the Teachers Service Commission for this unfortunate loss.
We have taken the time to establish the facts and with utmost respect to his family, like to address a myriad of unfounded allegations with regards to the unfortunate demise of Mr. Muholo as follows:
- That Minet is the Consortium Leader of the Teachers’ Medical Scheme that covers more than 318,000 teachers countrywide.
- We are aware that the late Maurice Waudi Muholo – TSC No 254968, visited four hospitals between 27th and 31st May 2020. However, he could not be attended to under the TSC Medical Scheme as the medical facilities he visited are not registered under the Teachers’ Medical Scheme.
- That the deceased and his family did not involve Minet team at any point until the team was informed when the patient was admitted at Africa Inuka Hospital on 31st May 2020. We have since written to all the hospitals involved to provide written communication with regards to this matter in order to establish if there was any gap, for action.
- That we are in receipt of a request from the KUPPET Homabay and Migori Branch officials requiring Minet to contract additional medical service providers. We are pleased to inform you that we are in the process of engaging Prince Richard Medical Centre and Med 25 Medical Centre with the aim of having them join our growing list of medical service providers.
- That we are constantly reviewing quality of service offered to members; medical facilities available in a bid to increase the number of Minet accredited healthcare facilities across the Country.
As a company, we wish to reiterate our commitment to serving the teachers of our great nation and ensuring that they continue to receive the best medical treatment possible. In this regard, we are in communication with TSC on this issue and continue to engage on the Covid-19 Protocols. Effectively, our offices are available for every teacher and indeed all our customers for support on a 24 hour basis. We are available to provide updates on any member queries and needs including emergency care, ambulatory, hospital and self-quarantine support with regards to Covid-19 through our short code help line 1528 and our contact center numbers 0800721316, 0732353535, 0729471414. Our regional officers and County care managers are all available on call, committed to providing the best service possible to every teacher across the country.
Furthermore, teachers and their beneficiaries are now able to enquire and report any cases of the coronavirus to the Company through a free short message code *202*07# and an online portal
As we all go through these uncertain times, we encourage you to observe the safety measures outlined by the Ministry of Health. Wash your hands frequently; Wear your mask in public and observe social distancing.
Minet Cares.
Minet Kenya